Saturday, February 22, 2025
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  • Mounts Claim George Male Trophy!

    Mounts Claim George Male Trophy!

    Jeremiah Knowles led all Mounts with 6 receptions. Read More
  • Expectations at Ephrata

    Expectations at Ephrata

    Taylor Haupt comes up with the dig. Read More
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About this Site

ImageThis site was created by Dave Erb. What started out as a boy's basketball and football site has grown to this.

I've been the Mounts statistician for boys basketball and football for over 10 years. That is why there is so much information here regarding those two sports. Don't feel slighted if your sport has less coverage. It's only that way because I don't have material.

If you would like your sport to have more information available let me know. If you are a parent or coach, write an article, email it to me, and I'll add it to your team's section.

In March 2003, my wife's son Max was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, that is why there is a link to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation on the home page and on the left. Of all the donations that this site receives, 50% will be donated to JDRF. The other 50% is used to pay for bandwidth and my time. I'm not doing this to make a buck, nor do I expect many donations.

I'm hoping that the ad sales will eventually pay for bandwidth, so a higher percentage of donations can go to JDRF. If you would like to be one of the 12 sponsors for the site, please email me.

If you feel more comfortable making a donation directly to JDRF, please click on the ribbon, and make a donation directly with them. Every amount counts.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas, feel free to email me from the contacts link on the left.

Go Mounts!
